

I'm new to website making but here I am!

My name online is .lexi, I am an 03' kid, nice to meet you! Here's some background infomation about me... I picked up HTML a couple of months ago (June 2023) with my friend Liv, we both started this online course called "Angular" together, and I was really enjoying it!

I later began learning CSS which I found really fun but really confusing at the same time, but I think that might be because I like making things looking neat and organised! *Just don't ask about my google speadsheets :)

Getting closer to the end of the year, I began learning the Python basics and it did hurt my little head a fair bit because I believe that I'm no good at math but as expected, it was boring and hurt my head...

Sometime Early 2024 I think I just ended up getting lazy or something, but studying Website Development I never had a routine, but I pretty much just stopped... My friend would keep going on and I would go off and do my own thing and hang out with different people.

some random duck :)

A couple of months pass, I've moved out of my dad's house, I got a girlfriend *Who I love very much, and im only now moving job soon within retail. So How did I get back here wanting to look into coding again? I watched this video by Randy Moon which made me want to show myself to some part of the internet again. So if Randy ever reads this, Thank You so much!!

I scrolled on neocities for a couple of hours and it made me really happy seeing how creative and open people are making websites and it was enough to encouage me to go out and make my own website I could may as well link to my discord or something with it.

And so here I am now. After writing that I might get in contant with that friend and let them know about website and ill link their website if I ever see their website just because.. But yeah, thats my Web Development Journey so far! Not much I know.. But we all have to begin somewhere!

I do genuinely hope I can add more to this website and keep it updated if I can, but we'll see if it becomes another thing I forget about or become too lazy to keep up to date but we'll see!!

Thanks again for checking out my website :)